Sunday, March 4, 2012


Sadly, my New Media class has come to an end. I just submitted my final paper on "A Writer's Platform". While I am very excited to put all of my newly learned skills into good use, I will miss my classmates, some of whom I'm sure will keep in touch. I took this class not knowing what to expect. At the very least I didn't think that it would teach me as much as it has! Technically savvy in online communication, I was not; a novice? Definitely! Today, I have my own blog page and a professional Facebook profile with a separate page, also named Roper's Rambles. I can now embed video and audio streams into my blog posts; so cool! If you'd like to Skype, just check out my Skype button, embedded with HTML coding. You'll know when I'm available and when I'm not. I downloaded and listened to my first podcast, not my last either. There is a wealth of online tools just waiting for the professional person to take advantage of. This class is a diamond in the rough, it's the first one for Pete's sake, but I as well as my classmates will shape the course for future New Media learners! It's been an awesome experience! Until the next post.... Goodnight!

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